Women in Engineering

Wichtige Anliegen der Women in Engineering (WIE) sind die Unterstützung, Vernetzung und Sichtbarmachung von Frauen in technischen Berufen auf unterschiedlichen Stufen ihrer Ausbildung und Berufslaufbahn, sowohl in akademischer als auch industrieller Umgebung. Zu den WIE Aktivitäten zählen die Organisation von (Fach)Vorträgen von und für Frauen in technischen Berufen und das Einladen von IEEE-Frauen zu Netzwerkveranstaltungen

Im September 2017: Neustart & offizielle Gründung der WIE Affinity Group.


We are Women in Engineering!

We want to invite all women in technology to join our group and help us build up a flourishing network of amazing women working, studying or doing research in technology, so we all can connect, exchange experiences and benefit from the wisdom of our fellow women in engineering.

Let's connect!

https://www.facebook.com/IEEEWIEAustria/ | https://www.facebook.com/groups/IEEEWIEAustria | https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8635973 


IEEE Women in Engineering Best Student Paper Award 2023 @ CESCG'23

The IEEE Women in Engineering Best Student Paper Award 2023 at Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (CESCG'23) recognizes the best paper submitted by a female student. This year the paper "Weakly Supervised Semantic Cell Segmentation Using Knowledge Distillation" by Ivana Haberova was awarded!


Congratulations to Ivana Haberova!  

International Summer Academy in Engineering 4 Women 2022 @ FH OÖ

IEEE WIE was participating in International Summer Academy in Engineering for Women's "Science Cafe" at the FH OÖ in Wels. It was a great pleasure to meet highly-motivated engineering students from all over the world, discussing their career plans and current projects. 


IEEE Women in Engineering Best Student Paper Award 2020 @ ACVRW'20

The IEEE Women in Engineering Best Student Paper Award 2020 at Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop (ACVRW'20) recognizes the best paper submitted by a female student. This year the paper "Towards Identification of Incorrectly Segmented OCT Scans" by Verena Renner (TU Vienna, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Group) was awarded!

Congratulations to Verena Renner! 

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