IEEE Austria Student Mobility and Conference Grant | ![]() |
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The IEEE Section Austria offers a special travel and conference grant to allow section student members to participate at conferences, workshops and other educational activities in the fields of IEEE and related. The IEEE Section Austria wants to support young and promising future engineers and scientist to attend important scientific events, advance in their education and gain international contacts and experience. The IEEE Austria Student Mobility and Conference Grant either offers free participation at scientific and educational events or refunds travel and residential costs or participation fees. The IEEE Austria Student Mobility and Conference Grant therefore supports the following activities for young people:
For details use the following links: Open CallsCall 1 "More Education"General support of all Austrian IEEE Student Members for participation in scientific conferences, summer schools, workshops and similar educational activities Call 2 "Mobility"Travel support for Austrian IEEE Student Members for stays at the European or international universities Call 3 "Women in Engineering"This call is dedicated to female IEEE Student Members. It includes support for participation in scientific conferences, summer schools, workshops and similar educational activities. The aim of this call is to increase the number of women in engineering. Call 4 "Austrian Events"Austrian scientific conferences, workshops and summer schools actively support IEEE student members and sponsor a number of free participations. For the following events the IEEE Austria Student Mobility and Conference Grant offers the possibility to apply for free access:
*) call open for each year's event. See conference webpage for detaill dates Special thanks to our sponsors that opened these interesting opportunities to promising students.
Details and Frequently Asked QuestionsWho is eligible?Active student members of the IEEE Austria Section and all student branches located in Austria What will be funded?In order to support student members the IEEE Austria Student Mobility and Conference Grant will
Costs will only be refunded to a maximum limit of 230 EUR for events within Europe and 350 EUR for events outside of Europe. We are aware that this support can only be a co-financing, yet feel that it can be a substantial relieve, e.g. covering full student registration fees of congresses. How do I apply for a grant?Application should be done electronically via e-mail. Details can be found here How can I become a sponsor?Sponsors that want to support young promising future engineers and scientists are warmly welcome. Detailed information can be found in the sponsor section. What are typical eligible costs?
Please mind that the original of invoices need to be handed in due to accounting reasons. ApplicationApplication to the IEEE Austria Student Mobility and Conference Grant is done via email. Each application should contain the following information:
Deadlines for submissions are 1st of February, 1st of June and 1st of September. The incoming requests will be evaluated three times a year by the grant committee and the applicants will be notified about the outcome of the evaluation process via e-mail. Requests that have been granted are then required to send a copy of all invoices and a proof of payment. Details on this procedure will be sent within the e-mail about acceptance of the grant. You need to submit the second part of the application form signed with all documents required. Sponsors of the IEEE Austria Student Mobility and Conference Grant![]() ![]() ![]() SponsoringDie IEEE Section Austria möchte mit dem IEEE Austria Student Mobility and Conference Grant junge Mitglieder fördern und ihnen die Teilnahme an einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz, einem Workshop, einer Summer School oder ähnlichen Bildungsmaßnahmen ermöglichen. Sollten Sie die Möglichkeit haben, eine solche Teilnahme auf Ihrer Veranstaltung zu ermöglichen, oder wollen Sie diese Idee durch eine Geldspende fördern, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Award Officer unter Wir würden uns freuen, wenn auch Sie junge Menschen in ihrer Ausbildung unterstützen! The IEEE Section Austria aims to support its young members to improve their career by participation in educational and scientifc events. Since travel costs and conference fees are high barriers for students the IEEE Austria Student Mobility and Conference Grant will offer support to join various events such as participation in scientific conferences, summer schools or stays at European or international universities. You can support this activity by either granting free access to potential events or by donating money to the IEEE Section Austria for this dedicated purpose. If you are interested please contact the award officer at We appreciate your support of young people! |