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2023 17th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL)

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From Tuesday, 11. July 2023
To Thursday, 13. July 2023
Category: Conferences | created by Thomas I. Strasser

The 17th International Conference on Telecommunications, ConTEL 2023, will be held in Graz, Austria, on July 11–13, 2023. Through its technical program, the conference will provide an opportunity for the academic and industrial communities to address new research challenges, share solutions and discuss issues in information and communication technology (ICT) referring to modern telecommunications.

The ConTEL 2023 aims to reflect on current and emerging networking technologies that enable ubiquitous Internet and communications as key drivers of connected information society. With new services and access networks, there is a growing need for improvement in networking infrastructure – not just in terms of quality and performance, but also in scalability, mobility, energy efficiency, and multiple technologies integration. Original research papers are solicited that present theoretical, as well as applied, practical and experimental work related to the areas and topics of interest listed below. The conference program will offer technical sessions, presenting the latest advances through peer-reviewed regular and special sessions, as well as workshops with focus on the latest breakthroughs in selected areas related to the conference. The format of the event will take into account the COVID-19 situation and travel restrictions. Our wish, and goal, is to have a live event, with virtual participation as necessary. Stay safe and healthy and we hope to see you in Graz next year!

We are soliciting contributed technical papers, special session proposals, and workshops proposals referring to the following topics of interest:

  • All-optical networks, optical switching and routing, data center networks
  • Broadband mobile and wireless communications
  • Satellite and space communications
  • Antennas and wave propagation including NFC and RFID
  • Internet of things (IoT) and sensor networks
  • Smart spaces: context- and situation-awareness
  • Internet and next generation networking
  • Energy-efficient protocols and networking
  • Software defined networks and network function virtualization
  • Multimedia applications, rich communications services and networked games
  • QoE and QoS assessment and provisioning
  • Big data in telecommunications
  • Social networking and social media
  • Security and privacy issues in ICT services and networks
  • Digital inclusion and assistive technology in ICT services

For detailed information see the ConTEL 2023 website.

Location Graz University of Technology, Institute of Microwave and Photonic Engineering, Inffeldgasse 12, 8010 Graz, Austria
Contact Wilfried Gappmair (