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How to Restore and Foster Ongoing Trust and Agency in the Digital World

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Wednesday, 04. December 2019, 13:00 - 19:00
Category: Lectures & Presentations | created by tmc

IEEE's Digital Inclusion, Identity, Trust, and Agency (DIITA) program is hosting a workshop in Vienna with a focus on identity (we are known as we wish to be known), trust (we are and feel safe in our online engagement), and agency (we have control over our data and our activities).

We will explore use cases in the areas of digital identity, inclusion, and agencies from different domains and explore salient questions such as:

  • How can we leverage digital identity to improve people’s lives, for example, in the healthcare space for best patient outcomes and privacy?

  • How can we guarantee agency, for example for children and youth in the connected world?

  • How can both the public sector and industry maintain the trust of end users in the online services in the context of where cybersecurity and privacy risks are becoming more high profile?

  • How may we achieve a state of trust restoration through some of these use cases?

The workshop brings together stakeholders and experts from the public and private sector, as well as academia, to discuss how to foster trust and agency for different people in the digital world so that society can reap the benefits enabled by digital technologies. 

Location Austrian Standards Heinestrasse 38 Vienna, Austria