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5th International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry

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From Monday, 09. September 2019
To Thursday, 12. September 2019
Category: Conferences | created by Torsten Andre

RTSI is the premier IEEE Italy Section forum. Its purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence in the fields of electrical, electronic and information science and engineering, to promote the transition towards a vibrant innovation-based society.
Specifically, the main aims of the event are:

  • to promote and to strengthen partnerships and cooperation between academia and industry;
  • to increase the public's understanding and awareness of how engineering and technology can positively affect person's quality of life;
  • to promote discussion between the research community and government bodies about effective and successful research policies;
  • to disseminate recent advancements, discoveries and novel applications;
  • to discuss ideas and to promote cooperation between researchers working in different research areas.


RTSI aims to be the flagship event of the IEEE Italy Section and the program will include tutorials, exhibitions (research projects, academic spin-off and industrial sponsors), industrial sessions, and panel sessions. RTSI will provide a great opportunity for Universities, research institutes and spin-offs involved in the above-mentioned fields to present their activities, to meet the stakeholders and to contribute to the national and international debate about what is going on in these relevant fields.

Location Firenze FI., Italy