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IEA/AIE 2019

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From Tuesday, 09. July 2019
To Thursday, 11. July 2019
Category: Conferences | created by Torsten Andre

Artificial Intelligence provides us with powerful means to assist us in tackling complex problems
and even allows us to create autonomous system for such tasks. Applications range from applying
machine learning in various fields like graphic object recognition, via automated diagnostics to
identify and mitigate issues, to the autonomous control of cars, robots, subways, or rovers
exploring other planets and unsafe regions like burning tunnels. The "32nd International
Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems" brings
together researchers and practitioners in the field of applying such intelligent systems, discussing
state-of-the-art research results, recent reports on practical issues, and emerging hot topics (both
in terms of practical deployment and research). This year we have a special focus on automated
driving, autonomous systems, robotics, and AI in tourism, so that we specifically welcome
submissions related to these special topics. They represent only a small section of the topics
covered by the conference though, and we would like to refer you to our website for more
information on relevant topics, submitting papers, and our international program committee
drawing on the expertise of researchers and practitioners from all continents. We would like to
invite you to submit your recent reports and research to IEA/AIE 2019 (deadline is January 15 for
the abstract and January 28 for the manuscript) and to meet us from July 9 to July 11, 2019 in
Graz, Austria!

Location Graz University of Technology