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IMCL2018 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning

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From Thursday, 11. October 2018
To Friday, 12. October 2018
Category: Conferences | created by edsoc


"Mobile Technologies and Applications for the Internet of Things"


The 12th International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning, IMCL2018, is part of an international initiative to promote technology-enhanced learning and online engineering world-wide.

The IMCL2018 conference will cover all aspects of mobile learning as well as the emergence of mobile communication technologies, infrastructures and services and their implications for education, business, governments and society.

The IMCL2018 actually aims to promote the development of mobile learning, to provide a forum for education and knowledge transfer, to expose students to latest ICT technologies and encourage the study and implementation of mobile applications in teaching and learning.

TThe conference will also aims to stimulate critical debate on theories, approaches, principles and applications of mobile learning among educators, developers, researchers, practitioners and policy makers.


More Info:


Location McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario (
Contact Konstantinos Apostolou, IMCL2018 Chair Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos, IMCL General Chair tsiatsos@csd.auth.g