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Time-Synchronized Monitoring and Power Quality Diagnostics for Power Distribution Systems

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Thursday, 03. August 2017, 15:00 - 17:00
Category: Lectures & Presentations | created by pes
IEEE PES Austria and AIT invite to:

Time-Synchronized Monitoring and Power Quality Diagnostics for Power Distribution Systems
Reza Arghandeh, Ph.D,
ECE Department, Florida State University
Dr. Werner Schöffer
ARTEMES GmbH, Austria

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
August 3th, 2017, 15:00-17:00
W301, 3rd Floor
Giefinggasse 2, 1210 Vienna

Abstract The smart grid revolution is creating a paradigm shift in distribution networks that is marked by significant intermittency and uncertainty imposed by distributed energy resources on power systems. Distribution networks historically are lagging behind transmission networks in terms of observability, measurement accuracy, and data granularity. Grid modernization dramatically increases the need for tools to monitor and manage distribution networks and microgrids in a fast, reliable, and accurate fashion. Development of data-driven approaches to support required visibility and operational analytics is key to providing substantial enhancement in any societal scale infrastructure, e.g. electric grids. Visibility may allow us to anticipate imbalances and disturbances before they actually occur, giving us more time to prepare and respond. Measurement data analysis will allow for the visualization of power networks on multiple spatial and temporal scales. This talk will address opportunities and challenges of developing and implementing advanced monitoring technologies and review data-driven decision making tools to support distribution network operation and control. The talk also reviews the Micro-Synchrophasor units (µPMUs) technology for distribution network and microgrid monitoring.


15:00 Welcome and Introduction to IEEE Austria Section Power & Energy Society Chapter
(Matthias Stifter, AIT)
15:15 Micro-Synchrophasors for Advanced Monitoring Systems in Smart Grids
(Reza Arghandeh, FSU-CAPS)
15:45 High Resolution, High Sampling Monitoring Devices for Power Quality Diagnostics
(Werner Schöffer, ARTEMES)
16:15 SmarTEST Lab-Tour and Demonstration of Real-Time Network Simulation
(Matthias Stifter, AIT, Jose Cordoba, FSU-CAPS)
17:00 Refreshments and Discussions

Dr. Reza Arghandeh is assistant professor in the Electrical and Computer Eng Dept and the Center for Advanced Power System, Florida State University. He is the director of Collaborative Intelligent Infrastructure Lab (CI2). He has been a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Berkeley's California Institute for Energy and Environment 2013-2015. He has five years industrial experience in power and energy systems. He completed his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering with a specialization in power systems at Virginia Tech. He holds Master's degrees in Industrial and System Engineering from Virginia Tech 2013 and in Energy Systems from the University of Manchester 2008. From 2011 to 2013, he was a power system software designer at Electrical Distribution Design Inc. in Virginia, focusing on applications for the Distribution Engineering Workstation (DEW) software platform. Dr. Arghandeh’s research interests include, but are not limited to, power systems monitoring, distributed energy resources integration, data analysis and decision support for smart grids and smart cities using statistical inference, machine learning, information theory, and operations research. He is a recipient of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) Scholarship 2012, the UC Davis Green Tech Fellowship 2011, and the best paper award from the ASME 2012 Power Conference and IEEE PESGM 2015. He is the chair of the IEEE Task Force on Big Data Application for Power Distribution Network and secretary of the IEEE Working Group on Distribution Power Quality.

ARTEMES GmbH was founded in 2013 and was able to synthesise decades of experience in development and implementation of measurement systems. The competent core of the company is formed by Daniel Gschliesser as founder of DG-solutions and Werner Schoeffer is former head of the power division of an international measurement technology company. The company offers general measurement services and measurement technology and has been focusing on high-resolution measurements with high accuracy, high time resolution and high channel density.

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Electric Energy Systems
Center for Energy

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Giefinggasse 2 | 1210 Vienna | Austria

T +43(0) 50550-6673 | M +43(0) 664 81 57 944 | F +43(0) 50550-6613 |

FN: 115980 i HG Wien | UID: ATU14703506
Location AIT, Room W301, 3rd Floor Giefinggasse 2, 1210 Vienna