Albert Treytl

- Award Officer
Center for Integrated Sensor Systems, Danube University Krems, Viktor Kaplan Str. 2
Wiener Neustadt
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 01-58801-38449
Miscellaneous Information
My Interests as award officers are
- to encourage (young) people to engage their selves in technical areas of IEEE. Awards are one kind of positive feedback to this engagement.
- to honour excellent research and development work. Activities can be industrial or scientific.
- to make IEEE Austria Section members aware of awards. Awards are expressing the apprication of IEEE to special efforts of its members.
As award officer I see my responsibility in being first contact point to paper prizes, technical field awards, fellowship, medals, etc. within the IEEE Austria section, but also to initiate new initiatives and to support student branches and chapter by setting up new awards.
For more information on awards of IEEE and Region 8 please see the links below.Information on the student paper award at the student branch TU Graz can be received directly at the student branch Graz homepage.
The IEEE Austria Student Mobility and Conference Grant is described at at
Useful links concerning IEEE awards
- Region 8 Awards:
- Region 8 Student Awards:
- IEEE Awards: