Thomas I. Strasser

- Past Section Chair
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
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Miscellaneous Information
Thomas Strasser earned his master's, PhD, and Venia Docendi (habilitation) in automation from Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien). He has been a senior scientist at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology’s Center for Energy for over 14 years, focusing on smart grid automation, research project development, and mentoring PhD candidates and junior scientists. Before AIT, he spent six years as a senior researcher at PROFACTOR, investigating advanced automation and control systems. He also serves as a docent at TU Wien.
Dr. Strasser has co-authored approximately 300 scientific publications, including journal and conference papers, book chapters, and technical reports, and holds two patents. He regularly presents his work at international conferences and serves on program committees. Additionally, he is an associate editor for IEEE and Springer journals.
With over two decades of experience, Dr. Strasser has held key roles in numerous national and international research projects, including coordinator and work package leader, and evaluates proposals for European and national funding agencies. A senior IEEE member, he contributes to IEC and IEEE standardization groups and holds leadership roles in IES, SMCS, PES, and the Austria Section. He also represents Austria in CIGRE Study Committees B5 and previously C6.