
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, pronounced “Eye-triple-E”) is a professional association that is dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence. It has currently around 400.000 members in about 160 countries.

Overview IEEE

IEEE’s Constitution defines the purposes of the organization as scientific and educational, directed toward the advancement of the theory and practice of Electrical, Electronics, Communications and Computer Engineering, as well as Computer Science, the allied branches of engineering and the related arts and sciences. In pursuing these goals, the IEEE serves as a major publisher of scientific journals and organizer of conferences, workshops, and symposia. It is also a leading standards development organization for the development of industrial standards in a broad range of disciplines, including electric power and energy, biomedical technology and healthcare, information technology, information assurance, telecommunications, consumer electronics, transportation, aerospace, and nanotechnology. IEEE develops and participates in educational activities such as accreditation of electrical engineering programs in institutes of higher learning.

IEEE has a dual complementary regional and technical structure - with organizational units based on geography and technical focus. 

Overview IEEE Austria Section

The IEEE Austria Section covers the geographical area of the Republic of Austria located in Central Europe. It was founded in 1979 by Kurt Richter. Further details about the history of the section are provided here.

The mission of IEEE Austria is to provide a local platform for the Austrian members to contribute and benefit as much as possible to the mission of IEEE and to share their experiences.

The IEEE Austria Section is managed by the Executive Committee with support from a several Section Officers. The technical activities are concentrated in the so-called Chapters while the student activities are handled by our Student Branches. Additional activities are carried out by the Young Professionals and Women in Engineering affinity groups. 

Follow this link for a list of upcoming events and activities in our Section!

Our regular newsletter can be found here.